The customs office supervises the export of commodities and goods. 海关对商品和货物出口执行监管。
Here we are at the customs office. 我们现在到了海关检查处。
Decree on the Enforcement of Obligations Arising from the Resolution on Yugoslavia adopted by the Security Council of the United Nations Nanning Customs Office shall implement a "round-the-clock, no-holiday" duty and 24-hour appointment customs passage system; 关于实施联合国安全理事会通过的有关南斯拉夫的决议所引起义务的法令南宁海关对主要业务现场实行全天候、无假日值班和24小时预约通关制度;
If the imported raw materials or parts are bonded goods specified by the State, the enterprise shall verify cancellation of the bond at the Customs office. 其中使用的进口料件,属于国家规定准予保税的,应当向海关办理核销手续;
Taxpayers importing taxable consumer goods shall pay tax within seven days after the completion and issuance of the tax payment certificates by the customs office. 纳税人进口应税消费品,应当自海关填发税款缴纳证的次日起七日内缴纳税款。
The tour guide, Wu Jun, is telling the group leader, Mr. Hans, what has to be done at the Customs Office. Wu Jun, the guide from the Travel Service, is taking the party of tourists from the airport to the hotel. 导游吴军正在跟领队汉斯先生交代在海关检查处该做些什么。旅行社的导游吴军正准备带领旅行团从机场往酒店去。
An entity applying for the qualification for tax exemption on scientific and educational supplies needs to provide the following documents to the customs office: ( 1) written application filed by the applicant entity; 申报科教用品免税资格的单位需向海关提供如下文件:(1)申请单位出具的书面申请;
Before leaving the airport, he was asked to fill out a few forms at the customs office. 离开机场前,有人请他在海关填了几张表格。
As soon as our airplane arrives, we have to check in at the Customs Office. 一旦飞机到达,我们就要到海关登记。
The customs office will exercise supervision and control according to the law over donated goods that enjoy tax exemptions or reductions. 海关对减免关税的捐赠物品依法实施监督和管理。
When the train is running close to border area where smuggling is rampant, or when suspicious cases of smuggling arise and the Customs office considers it necessary to make an inspection. 接近国境走私严重地区,或遇有走私嫌疑情事,海关认为需要检查时。
As part of bonded goods shall be "bonded goods" method declaration, the customs office issues and the corresponding regulatory approaches and other trade goods means differ. 如属于保税货物,应按“保税货物”方式进行申报,海关对应办事项及监管办法与其他贸易方式的货物有所区别。
"Customs transit procedure" means the customs procedure under which goods are transported under customs control from one customs office to another. 海关过境手续是指在海关管制下将货物从一处海关运到另一处海关的海关手续。
VAT indicated on the tax payment receipts obtained from the customs office. 从海关取得的完税凭证上注明的增值税额。
Individuals carrying foreign exchange into or out of China shall declare their foreign exchange in the customs office. 个人携带外汇进出境,应当向海关办理申报手续;
It seemed that I was in the customs office or the police office. 太恐怖了,我好像去了一次海关或是警察局。
The customs shall establish a customs office in the SDE, which shall adopt closed management for this area by exercising functions in accordance with the law. 海关在交易所设立机构,并依法行使职权,对该区域实行封闭式管理。
The renewed ATA carnet may, upon confirmation of the local competent customs office, replace the former carnet. 续签的ATA单证册经主管地直属海关确认后可替代原ATA单证册。
Where the equipment is still used by the enterprise, no taxes need to be made up, and the customs office shall supervise such equipment until the end of the supervision period; 设备继续在本企业使用的,可不予补税,海关继续监管至监管期结束;
The Customs office shall let them pass after checking the Certificate of Approval for Special Articles issued by the health and quarantine organ. 海关凭卫生检疫机关签发的特殊物品审批单放行。
To meet the request of the Beijing Customs Office, each diplomat purchases duty free articles in this shop need to show their selves ID card and to sign the invoice in person. 海关要求:每位外交官在本店购物时必须出示本人外交官证,并亲自在发票上签字。
If conditions permit, the processing trade enterprise may accept the administration of unit consumption of the competent customs office by way of computer network connection. 有条件的加工贸易企业可通过与海关计算机联网的方式接受单耗管理。
Those unable to be exported for special reasons shall be delivered to the local administrative department for drugs in accordance with the relevant regulations, and shall be verified and written off by the customs office. 确因特殊情况无法出口的,移交地方药品监督管理部门按规定处理,海关予以核销。
You will need to get in contact with your customs office and inquire about your package. 需要我向海关查询,还要让海关发传真给他们确认包裹未收到。
And shall send a copy of the documents submitted and the confirmation to the customs office directly under the GAC of the place where the project is located. 并将上报和确认文件抄送项目所在地直属海关。
I want to go Buji/ Fenghuang Street/ Luohu Customs Office. 我准备去布吉/凤凰路/罗湖海关。
Using indoor design plan of Fuzhou customs office block as an instance, the role of subject and constitution design techniques in the conceiving of indoor modelling design was explored to create modernized official working space with a sense of unity and novelty. 以福州海关办公大楼室内设计为实例,探索母题设计手法和构成设计手法在室内方案造型构思中的作用,以创造具有统一感和新颖性的现代化办公空间。
Yinchuan Customs Office Automation Network System 银川海关办公自动化网络系统
As the quality control check, China importation has to check the quality at the customs office and also checks quality control in the lab in contrast with Thailand where only checks in the customs office. 关于质量控制检查,中国进口必须经海关检验合格,还要在实验室中进行质量控制。而泰国只用在海关检验合格即可。